Feel ashamed to bug a replica Louis Vuitton Handbag? That's a cliche of the past. In a rough-and-tumble world,Cheap Hermes Birkin, movers and shakers are jumping into the bandwagon of replica LV handbags.We can even see Governor Sarah Palin and Anna Kournikova on the list. In a word,you are not alone. So let's shed our money wisely and here are some tips:
Money Money Money
LV handbags are always stunning with their over hundreds and thousands of dollars tags. Don't worry, you should never step away from fashion with a limited budget. Actually it is hard to tell a nice replica bags from a authentic one except the huge price gap. Take the chic Monogram Canvas Manhattan Louis Vuitton handbag for example, the genuine one is $1,680, not so friendly right? But a well replica one which is almost all the same may be only $200. That is an astonishing $1,500 difference. Money talks!
Look and Learn!
There are differences on quality among those replicas but it's not a walk in the park to identify any significant flaws since they are all like the original at the first glance. Anyway, Devils are in details, So let's make a comparsion
- Symmetry is beauty. Authentic Louis Vuitton handbags are made from a whole peice of leather or fabric. So check out the logos, they should be completely symmetrical. And don't forget the seams on the bottom of the bags, no seams is the key feather separating the authentics from the replicas.
- Soft leather touches the heart but they are on the same boat. It's hard for us to indicate the subtle difference between these two versions in terms of leather quality,Hermes Kelly Bag. They all need to be features geniune supple leather that is comfortable to touch. So we'll never have to sacrifice high-quality and long-lasting materisals for a replica bags.
- Hold the some leather as the body. Handles and piping should not be ignored in camparsion. Authentic bags use matching leather on its every parts.
For money or for quality? With fine materials and decent craftsmanship, it seems like a no-brainer to make a choice between authentic and replica Louis Vuitton handbag in this ecomoical downturn.
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